Stirling meets seat

Meet was recently tested by competitive Tender in the City of Stirling. Stirling undertook a year long review, receiving submissions from around Australia and put all designs…

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Our ‘Community Connectors’ website

The first of its type – anywhere from what we can tell. It complements our community business model that is a very different approach involving a ‘shared value’ approach where a company is tagged, rather than advertised, as a sponsor of a purpose campaign (for CBD’s) and as a matched approach for the suburbs.

It is expected that this website will present our small business partners with a quick way of matching – and hopefully supporting – one of a 100+ charities in their area…

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Meet – accessibility and inclusion

Meet brings people together – literally. It has been designed to give people with disabilities greater confidence and freedom and somewhere to sit – with others.

In a world-first approach Meet combines a complement of inclusive technologies that help make CBD footpaths and public spaces safer, more accessible and welcoming. And, hopefully, make people proud of their City. This version of Meet has been specially designed for all those who find everyday city…

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We are setting out to give kids greater ‘eSteam’.

In a unique marriage of tech (what we’re terming ‘real-world IoT‘) with a global connection kids will now be able to not only compare data but learn stories first hand from around the world.

A new type of company – committed to an outward looking, real-world STEAM curricula.

‘The project is about tech but, moreover, universal languages including science and maths…’

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